Tag: Make a difference
I Love Jesus’ Style

First, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the Farewell Celebration on Sunday. I will always treasure the time we have journeyed together as laity and clergy within the Midwest District. I especially want to thank Pastor Dean Prentiss, Liz Bode, and Emil Jensen for planning the party and sharing my story as your… Continue Reading I Love Jesus’ Style
Cabin Fever

Last Thursday, Punxsutawney Phil made his annual appearance to tell us how long this winter will last. For those who enjoy these snow-filled days, you will be happy to know that there will be six more weeks of winter. In many southern states, which are experiencing unusually cold temperatures, ice storms, and even blizzards, this… Continue Reading Cabin Fever
They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

Last week I watched the Michigan – Michigan State basketball game. This year’s first meeting took place at Breslin Center. The two teams will meet again at the Crisler Center later this season. As the players were warming up, the camera panned around the arena. The angle only showed the bottom third of the fans. … Continue Reading They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love
Sowing Seeds Exuberantly

The 2020 Michigan Conference has now ended. This is one time we can truly say that “We have never done it this way before.” The theme for this year’s Conference was Sowing Seeds: Rooting, Tending and Reaping. The Bishop lifted up a very inspirational message during opening worship. If you can, please share the Bishop’s… Continue Reading Sowing Seeds Exuberantly
Making a Difference

Matthew 25: 31-46 is one of my favorite Gospel passages. When I was considering a life in ministry, it was this passage that helped me say yes to the call God placed on my life. My Aunt Clairette was an awesome woman. She became a minister in the early 1960s, and served as the Associate… Continue Reading Making a Difference
Caring for our Health Care Workers

My oldest niece is doing her residency at The Detroit Medical Center. As the pandemic arrived in Michigan, she rotated from her specialty to help with patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19. She shared with me how difficult it was for her and the other residents, physicians and nurses to have the necessary medical supplies… Continue Reading Caring for our Health Care Workers
Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered

Most of my life has been centered around church. My parents belonged to two different faith communities. My father’s church was part of the CME denomination. My mother’s church became a United Methodist Church in 1968. Over the years, my sisters and I would alternate between services, depending on which pastor was preaching or what… Continue Reading Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered
How Can I Help?

It’s snowing as I write this Corner. Mid-April and it’s still snowing. In some ways we have had a very mild winter with few snowfalls over a few inches. I acknowledge that the 70 degrees of last week was only a promise of what is to come. And in some ways, this cold spell helps… Continue Reading How Can I Help?
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

The title of this week’s Puzzler’s Corner comes from a song I learned in Elementary School, back when we sang Christian songs and there were music classes. The verses of this song capture what these 6 ½ weeks of our Christian year are all about. Like Jesus, we must spend time in a valley of… Continue Reading Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
What Just Happened?

Australia has been battling the most devastating wildfires in recent history. On Sunday evening our time, the Australian Open, the first major tennis tournament of the year began. The usual contenders are present along with some new faces. Most of them are focused on the game, hoping to hold the championship trophy in a little… Continue Reading What Just Happened?