How Can I Help?

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

It’s snowing as I write this Corner.  Mid-April and it’s still snowing.  In some ways we have had a very mild winter with few snowfalls over a few inches.  I acknowledge that the 70 degrees of last week was only a promise of what is to come.  And in some ways, this cold spell helps… Continue Reading How Can I Help?

Adrenaline Rush

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

I first heard this term when I was in high school.  It is one of the body’s defense mechanisms when one senses danger, experiences stress or is fearful.  The release of adrenaline creates a flight or fight response in which there are physical changes in the body.  Heart rate and blood pressure tend to rise. … Continue Reading Adrenaline Rush

Sheltering in Place

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

As we enter the first week of the Governor’s order to shelter in place, it is far too easy for us to focus on what we can’t do during this time.  I have never been a cup ½ empty kind of person.  I live by the words of the 23rd Psalm.  My cup overflows.  I… Continue Reading Sheltering in Place

Be Prepared, Don’t Panic

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

How to begin.  I lived in Iowa for about 5 years.  The floods of 1993 happened while I was there.  That year, it had started raining in April, with a steady downfall of an inch or more each day.  Over the July 4th holiday, the skies opened up.  Nearly 10 inches of rain fell over… Continue Reading Be Prepared, Don’t Panic

Midwest District