Tag: Shelter in Place
Sheltering in Place

I want to go back in time. Ten years ago, today, the world turned its attention to Chile, where the main ramp of the San Jose Mine, near Copiapo Chile, collapsed, trapping 33 men 2,300 feet below ground. Rescue teams responded immediately, and yet it was over two weeks before a probe reached the place… Continue Reading Sheltering in Place
Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered

Most of my life has been centered around church. My parents belonged to two different faith communities. My father’s church was part of the CME denomination. My mother’s church became a United Methodist Church in 1968. Over the years, my sisters and I would alternate between services, depending on which pastor was preaching or what… Continue Reading Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered
Seated at the Table

I have a shelf in one bookcase which is full of cookbooks. Gourmet dishes, Pampered Chef recipes, a Superbowl Party smorgasbord and of course an ancient Betty Crocker tome. Favorite dishes and desserts are easy to find. Classics like chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles are stained and careworn from repeated use. I’ve only prepared dishes… Continue Reading Seated at the Table
This is My Father’s World

There are some things that were very much a part of my life when I was younger. Raising a child, focusing on a career, answering the Lord’s call and the activities of daily living pushed those things far into the background. It’s not as if the time to do those things that brought me joy… Continue Reading This is My Father’s World
Dancing to a New Song

We are all learning to live in a new way. Laity and pastors alike are becoming more internet savvy. We are being asked to be creative in how we reach out to the people we serve in our faith communities. We are connecting with each other by phone, FaceTime and snail mail. Persons who can… Continue Reading Dancing to a New Song
There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

I am finding that I sing a lot more these days. The tile of this week’s Puzzler’s Corner comes from an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, called Starlight Express. It’s a different kind of musical about an old fashion train engine which enters a race to impress one of the other train cars. No, seriously, that’s… Continue Reading There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel
Sheltering in Place

As we enter the first week of the Governor’s order to shelter in place, it is far too easy for us to focus on what we can’t do during this time. I have never been a cup ½ empty kind of person. I live by the words of the 23rd Psalm. My cup overflows. I… Continue Reading Sheltering in Place