Tag: Sabbath

Just breathe. Every so often I remember to do this. It’s not like my body doesn’t breathe automatically. However, there are moments when I feel the weight of what is unfolding in our lives, our churches, and our nation, and I say these words to myself. In the midst of all that I do, just… Continue Reading Shabbat
We’ve Come This Far by Faith

It is difficult to believe that we have been living with a pandemic for an entire year now. I spent those first few days rethinking how I would spend my Sabbath day. Before the pandemic, I often went to the movies or had lunch at Barnes and Noble, sampling a book or two while I… Continue Reading We’ve Come This Far by Faith
Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered

Most of my life has been centered around church. My parents belonged to two different faith communities. My father’s church was part of the CME denomination. My mother’s church became a United Methodist Church in 1968. Over the years, my sisters and I would alternate between services, depending on which pastor was preaching or what… Continue Reading Whenever Two or Three Are Gathered
We Are Marching in the Light of God

Here we are again. Another week has passed. Are we adjusting to the new normal yet? Are we as eager to be back in our places of worship as those we serve? Are we tiring of looking into others’ faces and only seeing eyes, as noses and mouths are covered? These are only a few… Continue Reading We Are Marching in the Light of God
I Am not The Energizer Bunny

Sometimes, I admit that I am preaching to the choir. With that said, I want to take the time to talk about the importance of Sabbath for those who are servant leaders. While I was a pastor at Saint Clair Shores First UMC, one of the youth asked if she could job shadow me for… Continue Reading I Am not The Energizer Bunny