The First Step

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

As nations around the world begin to prepare for the 2020 Summer Olympics, various sports are utilizing preliminary qualifications.  Among them are the categories of indoor diving, which include 1 meter and 3 meter springboard, and 10 meter platform.  Individuals or synchronized pairs compete to execute complicated gymnastic moves before slicing into the water, hands… Continue Reading The First Step

6 Degrees

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

I’m going to date myself as I begin this Puzzler’s Corner.  Sometime in the last century, when Kevin Bacon and the films he was in were very popular, someone introduced a game, in which you could connect other stars to him within 6 films.  That’s how I first learned about the 6 Degrees of Separation… Continue Reading 6 Degrees

The Good Book

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

The Wesleyan Means of Grace have become an integral part of my life. I pray without ceasing, fast at least one day in ten, meditate, attend worship in churches throughout the District, and share witness and testimony about how you, who are my sisters and brothers in Christ, are bringing the Lord into peoples’ lives,… Continue Reading The Good Book

Rejoice and Be Glad

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

This is the season of One on One interviews for the pastors serving the Midwest District.  I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome those who are serving in their first appointment.  Kimberly Bos, Ferris State Wesley Foundation, Elizabeth Hurd, Caledonia, Dr. Joan VanDessel, Grand Rapids First, Luanne Stanley Hook, Deacon at Holland First, Zach… Continue Reading Rejoice and Be Glad

For everything there is a season…(Ecc 3:1)

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Over the next few months, the Midwest District will be hosting 3 Holy Conferencing sessions, so that we may have a place to voice our reflections, concerns, and hopes about the future of what it means to be United Methodist. Please click HERE to read about the guidelines for Holy Conferencing. Below are the 3… Continue Reading For everything there is a season…(Ecc 3:1)

To Dream the Impossible Dream

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

I am not a big fan of reality television. Most of what arrives in our homes is contrived or edited, so that the viewer sees the best or worst in the Bachelor or Bachelorette. Gordon Ramsey (Master Chef) and Jon Taffer (Bar Rescue) constantly yell at people in order to encourage them to produce the… Continue Reading To Dream the Impossible Dream

New Beginnings

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Greetings to Provisional Elders, Full Elders, Provisional Deacons, Full Deacons, Local Pastors who are preparing for their first Course of Study class, Local Pastors who have completed Course of Study, Associate Members, those who are serving in retirement, and those who are serving while working in another career.  July 1 marks the beginning of a… Continue Reading New Beginnings

A Summer Project

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Now that the school year has ended, students all over our country are celebrating that there is no more homework, at least for now.  Growing up, my sister Lynn and I were unique.  At the beginning of Summer, we would go to the local library and check out a book of insects.  Then we would… Continue Reading A Summer Project

A Refugee’s Story

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Last Saturday evening, I had the privilege of attending the celebration for Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON) which was held at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, here in Grand Rapids.  Before we shared a meal together, guests were invited to tour the art exhibit, entitled: “Or Does it Explode?”  The title of the exhibit… Continue Reading A Refugee’s Story

An Exercise in Reflection

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Who am I?  When I was an undergraduate student, my Psychology Professor asked the class this question.  The instructions were to write 7 answers on a piece of paper.  These were the answers I wrote:  1. My name; 2. My family status (daughter); 3. My faith; 4. My ethnicity; 5. My marital status; 6.  My… Continue Reading An Exercise in Reflection

Midwest District