Tag: prayer
“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
When I was very young, my parents would send my sister and me to my aunt’s house in Columbus, Ohio. That is where 4 of my father’s siblings lived: My Aunts Clairette and Amanda, and my Uncles Marion and Obadiah (who we called Obie). My Aunt Clairette was a pastor at a time when women… Continue Reading “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
We’ve a Story to Tell
A long time ago, one Summer which is now far, far away, I went to see the first Star Wars movie, which now has the subtitle: A New Hope. I was overwhelmed by the way the story unfolded along with the special effects which were introduced in the film. Industrial Light and Magic, the director’s… Continue Reading We’ve a Story to Tell
Getting to Know You
The Midwest District has the honor of being the home for clergy who are starting their journey of servant leadership. These new folks were introduced at the District Conference on October 12. Each one will also be featured in a special Puzzler’s Corner in the coming weeks. I invite you, who are their sisters and… Continue Reading Getting to Know You
What Happened to the Amen?
I think I have always been interested in language. I was only six years old when I attended the World’s Expo in Montreal, Quebec. Our family spent about 4 weeks in the Province, staying in Quebec City before traveling down to Montreal. That’s when I learned some French. It was also the first foreign language… Continue Reading What Happened to the Amen?
My Favorite Book
I own several translations of the Holy Bible. When I was a child, one of the most popular versions was called a red letter Bible. In it, Jesus’ words are printed in red, which brings a new layer to reading the Gospels. My aunt gave my father a red letter Bible as a gift for… Continue Reading My Favorite Book
A Good Meal
Sometimes, I get nostalgic about cooking. I learned how to cook by watching my parents and my older sister create their favorite recipes. My mother made dinner rolls from scratch, just about every Sunday. There was a process that began with the heating of the milk. Over the span of 45 minutes she would combine… Continue Reading A Good Meal
Celebrate Good Times!
As I have been journeying throughout the District to participate in SPRC meetings and Church Conferences, I rely on music to fill in the silence between destinations. On Monday, I turned on the Metropolitan Opera radio station, to discover it was the season premier. There was a different kind of excitement with the opera hosts. … Continue Reading Celebrate Good Times!
Taquarius Wair. A unique name to describe a very gifted young man. I heard his story a few weeks ago, as the college football season began. When Taquarius was 4 years old, his house caught on fire. His mother was able to save Taquarius and his brother, but sadly their sister died. Taquarius was severely… Continue Reading Taquarius
I Am not The Energizer Bunny
Sometimes, I admit that I am preaching to the choir. With that said, I want to take the time to talk about the importance of Sabbath for those who are servant leaders. While I was a pastor at Saint Clair Shores First UMC, one of the youth asked if she could job shadow me for… Continue Reading I Am not The Energizer Bunny
Make a Joyful Noise
This morning on the way into work, I turned on the Symphony channel of the satellite radio station. Peter and the Wolf, by Prokofiev was playing. Hearing the performance took me back to elementary school, when I first heard the composition. I believe it was every music teacher’s way of introducing the different parts of… Continue Reading Make a Joyful Noise