Tag: mission
The Works of our Hands

A few nights ago, I was watching the Graham Norton Show. Graham is a British talk show host, and the format of his program is a little different. The guests are already sitting together when the show begins. What follows is more like friends having a conversation together, rather than an interview by Graham Norton.… Continue Reading The Works of our Hands
We Have The Technology

Each day I am amazed by the way technology has become such an integral part of my life. I remember when I was the remote-control channel changer for our television. And cooking was an art. My mom typically had something baking in the oven while simultaneously stirring whatever was simmering on the stove. Dinner would… Continue Reading We Have The Technology
What Is Our Mission Field?

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to be present for 3 worship services. Each sermon encouraged me to deepen what I do as I engage in my spiritual practices. Most days I pray without ceasing. I pray for and about a variety of things. Some days I begin prayer with a psalm which captures how… Continue Reading What Is Our Mission Field?
An Opportunity for Mission in the Midwest District

The Native American Elders Program (NAEP) is one of the District Missions that was part of the Grand Rapids Metropolitan Ministry. NAEP provides lunch, health and education screenings and information for Native American older adults living in the Grand Rapids area. The District continues to support this vital ministry. Your church is being asked to… Continue Reading An Opportunity for Mission in the Midwest District

The Midwest District invites youth (9th-12th Grade) to participate in hands-on community development ministry at Cass Community Social Services in Detroit June 28-July 3, 2020. This trip is being offered by our District in partnership with staff at Cass, so that even churches with just one or two or a handful of high school youth can… Continue Reading YOUTH LEADERS: START PLANNING YOUR 2020 MISSION TRIP TODAY!
*In Mission together with Witness

Often, I encourage faith communities to share their stories of how our Lord has touched their lives and inspired them to be vital and vibrant in their neighborhoods. People need us now more than ever. I often reflect upon the words of Mathew 9 and 25 as I seek to answer the question: “What more… Continue Reading *In Mission together with Witness