Tag: faith communities
Six Degrees

This is one of those theories that defy explanation. Like many people in the latter part of the 20th century, I played a game version of the idea known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. My friends and I would try to connect other actors to this very prolific star. I believe the game could… Continue Reading Six Degrees
We’ve Come This Far by Faith

It is difficult to believe that we have been living with a pandemic for an entire year now. I spent those first few days rethinking how I would spend my Sabbath day. Before the pandemic, I often went to the movies or had lunch at Barnes and Noble, sampling a book or two while I… Continue Reading We’ve Come This Far by Faith
Ash Wednesday & Lenten Resources

Michigan Conference website Lenten Resources page is HERE Bishop Bard has also offered some recommendations for the observance of Ash Wednesday — Click here to view The Lent Kit project below and pictured was submitted by Rev. Ryan Wieland, pastor at Grandville UMC. Lent Kits will be delivered by volunteers on February 15. Each kit… Continue Reading Ash Wednesday & Lenten Resources
A Few of my Favorite Things

There are only 16 days until Christmas. And like so many others, I will celebrate our Savior’s birth very differently this year. A few weeks ago, I requested that pastors and faith communities share ideas about how to celebrate this Advent season, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the New Year, in order to post them… Continue Reading A Few of my Favorite Things
She Touched My Spirit

I can’t believe it’s December already. Like so many other years, now that we are in the last month, time seems to be speeding up. My days are far different than they were before the pandemic. Grocery shopping is no longer an after-work errand. I now arrive at the store around 7:00 am to pick… Continue Reading She Touched My Spirit
A Million Lights

I have been blessed to visit the Holy Land twice. The first time I went was in 2011. I was able to make a return journey in 2017. Both trips were far too short. There are so many places to see and so much to learn. The Scriptures truly come to life as you visit… Continue Reading A Million Lights
The New Normal

Wow! Sports are back. Well, not quite. Athletes are competing once again, but it isn’t the same. Tennis and basketball have requested that players restrict their contacts with others and have been placed in a bubble for their matches and games. All teams in MLB are playing, but the schedule has been shortened to 60… Continue Reading The New Normal
Caring for our Health Care Workers

My oldest niece is doing her residency at The Detroit Medical Center. As the pandemic arrived in Michigan, she rotated from her specialty to help with patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19. She shared with me how difficult it was for her and the other residents, physicians and nurses to have the necessary medical supplies… Continue Reading Caring for our Health Care Workers
A Test of Faith

One of my favorite movies is called The Song of Bernadette. The film chronicles part of Bernadette Soubirous’ life and the visions she saw that led to her becoming a saint. St. Bernadette’s visions led to the founding of the shrine at Lourdes. During the opening credits of the film these words are displayed: “For… Continue Reading A Test of Faith
An Advent Calendar, Part 1

Now that Thanksgiving is over, my countdown to Christmas has begun. I have to admit that I noticed decorations, stocking stuffers and holiday suggestions for the best presents appearing as the Halloween candy was discounted by 50% or more. The artificial trees appeared a couple weeks later. And now, the section reserved for wrapping paper… Continue Reading An Advent Calendar, Part 1