6 Degrees

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

I’m going to date myself as I begin this Puzzler’s Corner.  Sometime in the last century, when Kevin Bacon and the films he was in were very popular, someone introduced a game, in which you could connect other stars to him within 6 films.  That’s how I first learned about the 6 Degrees of Separation… Continue Reading 6 Degrees

Open My Eyes

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Double Retrospect is the name of the jigsaw puzzle that I am currently working.  It is 32,000 pieces and contains 32 pictures created by Keith Haring.  I first learned of the artist when I purchased Imaging the Word, a three volume arts and lectionary resource.  The books provide worship leaders with paintings, photos, poetry, liturgy,… Continue Reading Open My Eyes

Were You There?

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

On Monday, I watched as Notre Dame Cathedral burned. As the steeple fell, engulfed in flames, my heart skipped a beat. I watched the news for hours as the fire continued to burn, not knowing how much of the church would survive. And then the singing began. People gathered all around the building, began to lift… Continue Reading Were You There?

Midwest District