Rejoice and Be Glad

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

This is the season of One on One interviews for the pastors serving the Midwest District.  I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome those who are serving in their first appointment.  Kimberly Bos, Ferris State Wesley Foundation, Elizabeth Hurd, Caledonia, Dr. Joan VanDessel, Grand Rapids First, Luanne Stanley Hook, Deacon at Holland First, Zach McNees, Local Pastor serving Northlawn and Allendale: Valley and Bill Davis, DSA at Big Rapids 3rd Avenue, Paris and Rodney.  Other pastors in new appointments this year are Tim Wright, Lakeview New Life, Carman Minarik, Mecosta New Hope, Devon Herrell, Big Rapids First and Greg Buchner at Rockford.

I am inspired and excited about what I have learned as pastors and faith communities continue to create ways for people to be in a relationship with our Lord and with one another.  Together, we are transforming lives, making a difference and helping people discover that they matter and have worth.  Whether this is the first year of your appointment or the next year, I pray that you continue to seek new ways to share what it means to have the Lord in our work and in our lives.  Take the time to celebrate what has been accomplished, as you plan for the next mission and ministry for those you serve.  May God bless all that you do in His name’s sake.  And Amen.

Midwest District