*In Mission together with Witness

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Often, I encourage faith communities to share their stories of how our Lord has touched their lives and inspired them to be vital and vibrant in their neighborhoods.  People need us now more than ever.  I often reflect upon the words of Mathew 9 and 25 as I seek to answer the question: “What more… Continue Reading *In Mission together with Witness

Here We Are Again

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

I don’t want to keep count.  There have been too many bombings, and far too many shootings.  And yet, there is another.  After Sunday’s tragic shooting at a Synagogue in California, where people were gathering to celebrate Passover, last evening, there was another one at the University of North Carolina.  Experts have offered explanations for… Continue Reading Here We Are Again

God Is Making All Things New

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed!  Words that are very familiar to us because we are an Easter people.  These words proclaim the miracle of the empty tomb.  We can only imagine what that moment was like for Mary Magdalene and the women with her.  In an instant the grief and loss… Continue Reading God Is Making All Things New

This Little Light of Mine

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Last weekend, my next-door neighbors had a bonfire in their backyard.  They said they were celebrating the last weekend of Spring break.  I hadn’t noticed how they set up the wood during the day.  About an hour after sunset on Friday night, they started the fire and gathered around it in a circle.  Saturday night… Continue Reading This Little Light of Mine

Prayer, An Essential Part of our Christian Identity

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

February has arrived.  The first four weeks of 2019 have been historical in a variety of ways; some good, and others not.  No matter how we reflect upon what is before us; realize there is much work to be done.  I want to focus on what is possible for us here in the Midwest District. … Continue Reading Prayer, An Essential Part of our Christian Identity

Clergy Disciple Groups

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This year is a pivotal time for our Conference and denomination. I invite you to spend time each day in prayer as those who are delegates to this year’s special General Conference prepare for conversation and decisions which will impact all of us going forward. The Disciple Groups which… Continue Reading Clergy Disciple Groups

Listening to Hearts and Souls

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

As part of my journey toward ministry, I spent time in Iowa, as an Assistant Professor in the Speech and Hearing Department at The University of Iowa.  It is one of the few departments on the Iowa campus that has its own building.  It’s located between the football stadium and the basketball and wrestling arena.… Continue Reading Listening to Hearts and Souls

Take time out to pray: GC 2019

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

St. Louis, Missouri is also known as the Gateway to the West.  In an earlier time in American history, this city marked the border between cities and towns and unexplored and unsettled territories.  The city also has a special place for me because it is my adopted son’s birthplace.  It is the city he called… Continue Reading Take time out to pray: GC 2019

I Wonder As I Wander

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Like many of you, I have spent the last few days watching the live feed of the special General Conference convened in St. Louis, Missouri.  It began with a day of prayer, emphasizing this essential part of our faith practice.  Songs of praise were lifted up throughout the day, mostly in English.  The day ended… Continue Reading I Wonder As I Wander

Becoming More Like Jesus Everyday

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

The winter of 2019 is quickly becoming a memory. I learned new phrases to describe the snowstorms that brought the state to a standstill in late January and a good part of February. Polar vortex and cyclone bomb have been added to our lexicon. As I write this blog post, all but a few inches… Continue Reading Becoming More Like Jesus Everyday

Midwest District