Something Completely Different

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

From time to time, I seek new ways to study the Scriptures.  I have committed to reading the entire Bible in a year several times.  I have read it in chronological order, alphabetical order, the order in which historians and scholars believe the books were written, and a variety of other ways. 

Sometimes what I read becomes the source for deeper reflection and meditation.  I want to learn more about the context in which these chapters were written.  For example, in the Book of Ruth, when she and Naomi begin their journey from Moab back to Bethlehem, I have looked at the map as I consider what route, the two women alone, might have taken for Naomi to be reunited with her people.

I feel I want to learn more about the people I have often read about, reflected on, and preached on for nearly twenty years.  In preparation for my next version of Bible Study, I plan to select one person each day to reflect upon.  I invite you to accompany me on this journey.  There are some people who have entire chapters and books dedicated to their relationship with our Lord, how they answer God’s call and what unfolds in their lives.  Still, there are others who we only know by description, unnamed women and men whose lives are transformed when they meet God in the midst of their life journeys, struggles, prayers, and their search to understand who we are and whose we are.

Each week I will create a list of who I will focus on, sharing one or two in this blog.  As we are on this journey together, I ask you to share other people with me.  I have my favorites, and I want to leave them off the list for now.  According to one source, there are over 4,000 people who are named and unnamed in the Holy Scriptures.  For now, I won’t be reflecting on the following persons: Joshua, Ruth, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Samuel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, or others with Books of the Bible named after them. As I begin this project, I won’t be looking at the numerous genealogies either.

I have no idea where this will lead, what questions I will ask, and the ways I will seek answers to learn more about people who are described in a few verses or a few chapters.  May we be blessed in this time of study, reflection, and discovery.  The first three people I will be considering are Cain, Abel, and Seth. And Amen.

Midwest District