An Offering and Investment

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

There are some conversations that as pastors we don’t always want to have.  Sometimes, what we do as Christians, how we respond to God’s call upon our lives, and how we are transformed and transforming others is just part of who we are as God’s messengers and servants. We may not want to talk about it, because it’s something we just do.  We don’t necessarily want to share how someone has been blessed through us. And not because we don’t feel God’s light shining through us, but possibly because we are uncomfortable with that light shining on us.

As part of our Christian journey and dedication to who we are and how we live out the Great Commission, as we become God’s servants, we are invited to share a portion of our gifts for the mission and ministry which is ever before us.  Annual Stewardship Campaigns are one way that each worshipping community can celebrate what has happened through giving.  The time we give to the financial support of our churches can also help us recognize where else what we offer is needed to help those who are a part of our Christian families and those we are dedicated to helping.  Each faith community is asked to do the same for the District and Conference through the giving of Ministry Shares.

I am grateful for each church that has been able to invest a portion of what they have received with the District and Conference.  It is through your giving that the current missions can continue and seeds for new missions can be planted.  The Conference is currently creating the next Engage Mi booklet which describes local church, District, and Conference missions that are supported by Ministry Shares and next-level giving. Click HERE to learn more.

One of the ways in which our District receives Ministry Shares and invests them in our neighborhoods is through Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON).  The goal of this special ministry is to provide legal assistance for immigrants as they journey through the naturalization process. There are currently 3 offices in the state of Michigan, one right here in Grand Rapids. Click HERE to visit the JFON Michigan website.  Please click HERE to visit the national JFON website to learn about how this vital ministry is changing the lives of people in the US who are seeking a new home.

Your District Ministry Shares support the work of attorneys, interns, and volunteers who walk beside people who are seeking to become citizens of our nation.  Through our giving, we are planting seeds of hope and love for people who may have felt as if they were unseen and unheard.  Even if we never learn the exact person or family our Ministry Shares support, may we celebrate that the gifts we offer are an investment in the kingdom that is and the kingdom that is to come. May we continue to share what we have so that we all may be blessed.  And Amen.

Midwest District