Getting to Know You!

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

The Midwest District has the honor of being the home for clergy who are starting their journey of servant leadership. These new folks were introduced at the District Conference on October 12. Each one will also be featured in a special Puzzler’s Corner in the coming weeks. I invite you, who are their sisters and brothers to reach out and welcome them to the Midwest District and the journey toward answering the Lord’s call upon their lives and vocation. Today’s guest blog post is from Rev. Elizabeth Hurd.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:19a


Ipastor, Elizabeth, Hurd,’m Rev. Elizabeth Hurd, a newly commissioned elder in the Midwest District, serving at Caledonia United Methodist Church. I am a brand new clergy, fresh out of seminary, so these past five months have certainly been filled with a lot of surprises, lessons, and joy as I continue to follow God’s call.

I was born and raised in Port Huron, MI, so I am much more used to the east side of the state! I went to undergrad at Saginaw Valley State University, worked with the Mission Intern Program in Port Huron and Detroit, and when I went to seminary I went even further east to the Boston University School of Theology. So, this entire “being on the west side” thing is a new experience as well! I’ve found the west side of the state to be lovely, and have especially loved exploring the various walking and hiking trails with my dog, Lucy.

If there’s one thing you all should know about me, it’s that I serve at Lake Louise Middle School Camp every summer. I served as a counselor for seven years, and 2019 was my first year as co-dean for the camp. Camp is such a beautiful place. It’s right in the middle of God’s creation, and our campers are given space to think, question, and grow in their faith in that space. Camp is one of the first places I heard God’s call to ministry, and it holds a dear place in my heart.

Grace and Peace.

Midwest District