November 21, 2018

Puzzler's Corner Blog, Midwest District, DS Margie Crawford Blog

Life is always full of changes.  Some of them we are aware of as we drive through Michigan.  Colorful leaves, in a rainbow hue of vibrant golds and reds, softer yellows and a few oranges have been part of the scenery as I travel to Church Conferences here in the Midwest District.  There are also those orange and white barrels, symbols of the continuing roadwork that is ever present in the area, reminding us our roads are also in a constant state of transformation.

Events in our lives cause us to constantly adapt to what is new.  The communication industry is far different than it was, even just 18 months ago.  Phones have been so much more than a way to reach out and touch someone for a long time. Many companies, like banks, airlines, and even local stores, encourage us to download an app to manage our money, travel and stock our shelves.

Drones, virtual helmets and of course video games have changed what play time is like.  Does anyone still play board games anymore?  And television isn’t what it once was.  It’s not about cable or a satellite dish.  Now, one can purchase viewing packages, making viewing truly personal.  Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, ESPN-Plus and Sling TV are among those companies offering a new wave of home entertainment.

The list goes on.  Nothing in our lives remains static.  Each day brings more surprises about the latest innovations, and what is becoming nostalgic.  One of the most amazing changes for me, has been in the area of cooking.  Growing up, I learned to cook by watching my parents, following recipes in a variety of cookbooks and then adding my own variation on the theme.  Through programs like Top Chef and The Next Food Network Star, I learned that cooking could be an art. I learned new words to describe

Our church is changing as much as the world around us.  Through technology we can stream our worship services, presenting God’s word for those who are unable to make it to church for a variety of reasons.  Music runs the gamut from classical to new age.  And the spirit of the Lord is present in every song.  Some pastors incorporate Youtube as part of their message, others invite members of the congregation to share how our Lord has also touched their lives.

As we prepare to enter the season of Advent, may we embrace these weeks as a time to dream what is possible, living into the hope of what can be.  Our Lord is constantly at work in our lives, transforming us, so that we may transform the world.  God is making all things new.  And Amen.

Midwest District